Restrict Shell Commands Over SSH
Jan 16, 2024
When you have a GNU/Linux server, and you need to create accounts to allow users to access the server over SSH, it can be a good idea to restrict the commands they can execute. …
Importing Tarballs to Meet DEP-14 in an Old GIT Repository
Jun 21, 2021
To meet DEP-14 a git repository of a package must have some layout. I create a script to help to get tarballs of a package (that was already in Debian) and import them into a repository with an old structure, that is, only one branch with the debian/ directory, no upstream files. …
Find mediaserver IP with command line
May 17, 2021
Last week I need to find the IP of my UPnP mediaserver in a console environment. …
Stop seaf-cli After Sync
Jul 25, 2020
The seaf-cli is a console client to access a Seafile server. It works using a daemon that must be started and stopped. Due to the lack of resources I need to stop the daemon after the sync was done. …